In unique and historic Lords Park, come see the bison, elk, and deer while we celebrate the June 4th reopening of the Lords Park Farm Animal Zoo. Because animals have been a part of Lords Park for over 120 years, we will be celebrating their heritage with free popcorn & bottled water, washable animal tattoos, give-aways, fire engine display, etc. Come learn the dates and times of the many family programs which will be presented in the farm zoo area this summer. Joining us will be other iconic Elgin Organizations ( Gail Borden Public Library, Elgin Public Museum, Elgin Historical Society, Fire Barn Museum, Izaak Walton League, Hanover Township and Elgin Parks and Recreation) who will also be providing information regarding their organizations and programs.
Location: Lords Park - Farm Animal Zoo Area
Contact: Terry Gabel, 847-888-2348
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.