Patrick Jones was born in Montreal, Canada on May 6, 1822. He then moved to Burlington, Vermont and found his way to Elgin in 1857. In 1859, he and Joseph Hemmens formed a tailoring shop found at 18 E. Chicago Street, referred to as Hemmens & Jones. They were advertised as dealers in hats, caps, and gent’s furnishing goods with custom work in merchant tailoring a specialty. Jones worked in that position until his death on March 23, 1899 from the flu. He left his wife Mary, 3 sons and 2 daughters.
The home was occupied by the Jones family until it was sold to the Elgin Academy in 1936. From that time forward it was known as the “Headmaster’s House” and was the residence of the headmaster until around 1999.
Built in 1861 for Patrick and Mary Jones, this home represents a synthesis of Greek Revival and Italianate styles as it was built during a transition period between the styles. The main entrance typifies the Greek Revival residential façade, having an off center entry and two first floor windows stacked with three second floor windows. The window sizes and proportions are also typical of the Greek Revival style. The entryway has symmetrical sidelights and transom above with Doric pilasters rising to a pediment. The main element of the Italianate style can be seen in the bracketing under the eaves. This bracketing is on the original house as well as the additions. The porch was a later addition but still subtly reflects Greek Revival details such as small dentils above the columns.
Sources: 2015 Heritage Plaque Application; Audio: TextAloud