177 Lincoln Avenue was built in 1921 for Frederick Jr. and his wife, Elizabeth, Seiger for $6,500. Frederick and Elizabeth were residents of the National House, which provided housing for Elgin National Watch Company employees. Frederick worked in the research department at the company until 1941 when he retired. Frederick's parents, Frederick Sr. and Anna (nee Mueller), lived at 315 Lovell.
177 Lincoln Avenue is a pristine example of the Prairie style, which enjoyed popularity from the 1900s well into the 1920s. Prairie features of this home include the low pitched, hipped roof, widely overhanging eaves, 2 stories, with a 2 story projection on the east side and a hanging stair bay on the west side.
The rows of casement windows emphasize horizontal lines, the tall windows have full length vertical detailing, with small panes in geometric patterns, even the basement windows are grouped in horizontal rows. The front portico is supported by massive Prairie style battered concrete columns, featuring decorative detailing at the tops. Porch windows are of the same design as the rest of the windows with matching mullions mimicking the original window design. Horizontal shaped dormers also reflect the Prairie design.
The Prairie style originated in Chicago by noted Architect, Frank Lloyd Wright. The style became popular and was spread by pattern books, mail order housing companies and popular magazines.
Sources: 2003 Heritage Plaque Application; Audio: TextAloud